Paul Rigby
Founder: PaulRigby.Biz, Co-Author of The Bee Book / The Bee Book v2.0: Helping people change, innovate, engage, lead and transform
(965) 9999-2791
Vigor-Enterprise is a Global Training Partner of TLC®
A regular keynote presenter at global industry conferences Paul also advises clients and frequently assists with company change, innovation, leadership, digital business transformation and employee engagement efforts. Paul knows and understands business and what it takes to lead successful businesses in times of change and diversity. He has an incredible energy and passion and an ability to translate his hands-on experience to the business world. He has learned from personal experience how to turn businesses around.
He conducts numerous workshops in over 20 countries per year. Paul is qualified as a certified master consultant for the Leading Innovation Workshop™ based upon the works of Vijay Govindarajan and Chris Trimble from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, Leading Bold Change™ based upon the works of Harvard Professor, John Kotter, Leading Change™, Leading Positive Results™ based on the work of Shawn Achor CEO of GoodThink Inc. and a world leading expert on human potential, Learn To Lead™ a 5-day leadership programme for emerging leaders and Drive™ an exciting workshop based on Dan H. Pink’s work on employee engagement and motivation.
Today Paul focuses exclusively on The Bee Book, The Bee Book V2.0 and the bee suite of products. He uses these books to ensure a common language/theme across all disciplines of his teachings.
Bee Engaged™, Bee Ready For Change™, Bee Innovative™,Bee A Great Leader™ and Bee Ready For Digital Business Transformation™ all follow the common theme of the bees. Paul has delivered the bee suite of workshops in over 50 countries to thousands of people.


- Change
- Innovation
- Leadership
- Employee engagement
- Digital business transformation
- Bee Ready For Change™ (A simple and practical 3-step approach to change)
- Bee Engaged™ (The return on employee engagement increases the return on investment)
- Bee A Great Leader™ (Become an effective leader – an infinite leader)
- Bee Innovative™ (The toughest kind of change)
- Bee Ready For Digital Business Transformation™ (Transforming your business to ”bee” fit for purpose)
In-House Services: Keynote Speeches – Workshops
Delivery: In-person – Online