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Conference Details

For more information & Inquiries

  • (965) 9491-3803 / 2246-1445


Operational Excellence is beyond the mere use of improvement tools; it is about building a culture that promotes excellence in all kinds of operations, be it operations within a factory, a telecom company, a hospital, a bank, a government office or a port. Operational Excellence is a summation of effective People Engagement supported by judicious application of Lean tools combined with smart Change Management.

Three decades after the publication of Masaaki Imai’s Kaizen: The secret to Japan’s competitive success, Kaizen has become an everyday word in business circles.
During this conference, Masaaki Imai advocates his philosophies and Kaizen Institute’s principles and methodologies to achieve the ultimate Operational Excellence.

Corporate and Group Discount

We offer different corporate and group booking packages to fit every plan and budget.
Contact us for more information:
(965) 9491-3803 / 2246-1445